1. "Our greatest weapons are Jesus, who frees us from evil, and the Holy Spirit, who empowers us for freedom."(我們的最大武器是耶穌,他讓我們從罪惡中解脫出來;還有聖神,他賦予我們自由的力量。)
2. "It is necessary to change the way we are addressed, to become used to considering everyone as a child of God."(我們需要改變被稱呼的方式,習慣把每個人當作上帝的孩子來看待。)
3. "A society that does not take care of its children will not be able to exist and will not be able to prosper."(一個不關心自己孩子的社會將無法存在,也無法繁榮昌盛。)
4. "If we want to accompany the poor, we must accompany them in their hope. The poor are not hopeless, they have an immense hope."(如果我們想要陪伴窮人,就必須在他們身上看到希望。窮人並不是沒有希望的,他們擁有巨大的希望。)
5. "We must never stop being amazed by the goodness of God's love, which embraces everyone, even those who do not show any gratitude."(我們永遠都不應該停止對神的大愛的驚嘆,這種愛擁抱了所有人,甚至包括那些不知感恩的人。)