願你合家美滿,新年愉快! Wish you a happy family and a happy New Year!
祝你新年快樂,永遠開心! I wish you a happy new year and always!
新年到了,祝您在新的一年裡,萬事如意、闔家平安。 The new year is coming. I wish you all the best in the new year.
願你開心幸福,平安圍繞。 Wish you happiness and peace.
致新年賀忱與最美好的祝福! New Years greetings and best wishes!
願你的新年光彩奪目,願你的新年燦爛輝煌!佳節快樂! May your new year be bright and brilliant! Happy New Year!
祝你好運連連,事事如意! Good luck and good luck!
願你新年快樂,萬事順心。 Wish you a happy new year and all the best.
祝願,新年快樂,萬事如意! Wish you a happy new year and all the best!