1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)
2. Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving. (生活就像騎腳踏車,要想保持平衡,你必須不斷前行。)
3. Life is like a game of cards, always best to be careful how you play. (生活就像一場牌局,要小心行事。)
4. Life is like a fire, if not tended, will burn out. (人生就像一團火,如果不加控制,就會燒盡。)
5. Life is like a journey, enjoy the scenery and the journey itself. (人生就像一段旅程,享受風景和旅程本身。)
6. Life is like a rainbow, full of color and beauty, but it all starts with a single drop of water. (人生就像彩虹,充滿了色彩和美麗,但這一切都始於那第一滴水。)
7. Life is like a painting, each moment is a brushstroke that shapes the picture. (人生就像一幅畫,每一刻都是構成這幅畫的畫筆。)