* 朋友是悲傷時舒緩的良藥,是暴風雨中的避風港,是遠行時的燈塔,是心靈的寄託,是事業成功的關鍵。Friend is the comforting balm in sorrow, the shelter in storms, the guiding light in blindness, the spirit's anchor in turmoil, and the key to success in career.。
* 朋友就是你站在太陽里,卻一點也不感覺熱的人。Friend is the one who walks beside you in the sun without feeling its heat.。
* 朋友是和你一起經歷生死的人。Friend is the one who experiences life and death with you.。
* 朋友是一本書,一本讓你一生都讀不完的書。Friend is a book which will never finish, so that you can read it throughout your lifetime.。
此外,還有朋友是我們天天見著他們,卻不能時刻想念他們的人。Friend is someone we see everyday, but might not think of often.。上述名言均可用於描述朋友的名言警句。