Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good. 法律是維護公眾利益的理性條令。
No crime without law making it so; no penalty without law making it so. 法無明文規定者不為罪,法無明文規定者不處罰。
Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts. 衡平法是對普通法律規則中瑕疵部分的矯正。
No one is above the law. 任何人不能凌駕於法律之上。
Program is the rule of law and artificially divide and rule. 程式是法治和恣意而治的分水嶺。
If the law fear supports, it will not take effect. 如果法律沒有恐懼支撐,它絕不能生效。
The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality. 法律的真諦,就是沒有絕對的自由,更沒有絕對的平等。
Freedom is not unlimited freedom, freedom is a kind of power to do anything which is permitted by law. 自由不是無限制的自由,自由是一種能做法律許可的任何事的權力。
If there is no law they will be more happy, then the law as a useless thing in the world will destroy itself. 假如沒有法律他們會更愉悅的話,那麼法律作為一件無用之物自我就會消滅。
Freedom is the right within the scope permitted by law. 自由是法律允許範圍內的權利。