1. 世上有一種東西,比所有的軍隊都強大,那就是愛。——泰戈爾
There is something in this world more powerful than any army, and that is love.
2. 虛偽的真誠,比魔鬼還可怕。——泰戈爾
Sincere hypocrisy is more terrifying than the devil.
3. 不要因為峭壁是高的,便讓你的愛情坐在峭壁上。——泰戈爾
Don't let your love sit on the cliff because it is high.
4. 信仰是心中的綠洲,思想的駱駝隊是永遠走不到的。——泰戈爾
Belief is the oasis in the heart, and the camel train of thoughts can never reach it.
1. 信仰是心中的綠洲,思想的駱駝隊是永遠走不到的。 Faith is the oasis in the heart, and the camel train of thoughts can never reach it.
2. 世上有一種東西,比所有的軍隊都強大,那就是愛。 There is something in this world more powerful than any army, and that is love.
3. 不要因為峭壁是高的,便讓你的愛情坐在峭壁上。 Don't let your love sit on the cliff because it is high.