理察·菲利普斯·費曼(Richard Phillips Feynman)是一位著名的物理學家和科普作家,他的名言有很多,以下是一些例子:
1. "If you don't understand something, it doesn't matter how long you've known it, you're never really comfortable with it."
2. "The first principle is you must not fool yourself and you must not allow thevarious people you come into contact with to fool you. And you must always be prepared to question your own belief."
3. "The most important tool in science is observation."
4. "I think I can safely say that no one has ever survived in this world without knowing how to calculate logarithms."
5. "I am not a popular man. I am a little bit of a pain in the neck, but I am a good scientist."
6. "If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right."
7. "The scientist is a person like any other person, but he happens to be so lucky that he gets to play with atoms and molecules and light and space and energy, which is the most interesting game in the world."