



* 願你事事看開,唯獨對美好保持執念,哪怕只是短暫停留,也值得你拚命去換。 Wishing you that everything turns out well, except for the執著 on beauty, even if it's only for a short stay, it's worth fighting for.

* 願你早日學會逢場作戲,願你早點習慣物是人非。 May you learn to play along sooner, and may you get used to things changing.

* 願你此生無波瀾,敬我餘生不悲歡。 Wishing you no waves in this life, and respecting me not to experience sorrow and pain in the rest of my life.

* 願你世界充滿陽光,笑容里都是善良。 May the world you are in be filled with sunshine, and kindness dwell in your smiles.

* 願你被很多人愛,如果沒有,願你在寂寞中學會寬容。 Wishing you to be loved by many people, if not, learning tolerance in loneliness.

* 願你以後不怕冷,不需要依靠也能過得很優秀。 May you be excellent without depending on others, without fear of cold.

* 願你此生無疾病,無煩惱,幸福安康。 Wishing you to be free of illness and troubles, happy and healthy all your life.
