* 立志是事業的大門,工作是登堂入室的階梯。——巴斯德
* "Setting goals is the doorway to success, for they provide an impetus for action."
* 立志是事業之始,工作是人生之必須。——陶行知
* "Setting goals is the beginning of all achievement, and work is an essential part of life."
* 立志是事業的路燈,有了它,才能找到前進的方向。——托馬斯·愛迪生
* "Setting goals is like a lighthouse that guides us towards our destination."
* 立志是人生的方向,工作是實現目標的途徑。——愛因斯坦
* "Setting goals is the direction of life, and work is the path to achieving those goals."