* 願此紀念冊,記錄時光,珍藏回憶。
May this keepsake record time and treasure memories.
* 願紀念冊成為永恆的紀念。
May this keepsake forever be a monument to our memories.
* 願紀念冊承載著我們的愛與關懷,穿越時空,永遠珍藏。
May this keepsake bear our love and care, cross through time and space, and be forever treasured.
* 讓我們將這段時光珍藏在紀念冊中,留給未來。
Let's cherish this time in the keepsake, to be passed down to future generations.
* 願紀念冊成為我們共同珍藏的瑰寶,見證我們的友誼與情感。
May this keepsake become a treasured jewel that we all share, witnessing our friendship and emotions.