* 婚姻不只是一種得到,更是一種付出,在為別人付出的同時,自己也收穫著一份喜悅和幸福。Marriage is not just a gain; it is also a sacrifice. In giving to others, you also gain joy and happiness.---By the saying
* 結婚是找對適合自己的人,而不是找條件好的人。最重要的是對方的人品和德行。婚姻不單單是吃飽了不,而是因為幾個相愛的人在一起可以過上更好的生活,一起努力去拼搏。
* 不要擔心你的問題,最關鍵的是你們倆是誰,其他都是浮雲。別著急結婚,優秀並不可靠,靠譜的是選擇最優秀的那一個去愛。What's most important is not the condition, but who they are as people, especially their character. Marriage shouldn't be worried about, good love comes after hard work。