



1. "Time is money, but money is not everything."

2. "Investing is not about how much money you make, but about how you manage it."

3. "The best investment is in yourself. Learn, grow, and become more valuable."

4. "The secret of wealth is not in accumulating more, but in learning how to manage what you have."

5. "The best way to double your money is to invest it."

6. "Never borrow money to invest, it only increases the risk."

7. "Never invest with only one source of income - it will be hard to handle if that source fails."

8. "Be conservative when investing, but aggressive when saving."

9. "Your money knows when you are happy, sad or confused, and it reacts accordingly."

10. "Wealth is like a pie, if you keep looking for more pieces, you will never have time to enjoy the ones you already have."
