



1. Through critical analysis and comprehensive research, this essay maintains that X’s theory is outdated and needs to be revised. 通過批判性分析和全面研究,這篇論文認為X的理論已經過時,需要修改。

2. This essay will explore the reasons why people tend to choose their own way instead of following the guidance of the leader. 本文將探討人們為什麼傾向於選擇自己的方式,而不是跟隨領導者的指導。

3. The author argues that the current social problems are caused by the lack of respect for others and the environment. 作者認為當前的社會問題是由不尊重他人和環境造成的。

4. Based on a comparison of previous studies, this essay argues that Y’s research is more accurate and comprehensive. 根據以往研究的比較,這篇論文認為Y的研究更加準確和全面。

5. The author proposes a new theory that is innovative and applicable, which has practical significance for solving current social problems. 作者提出了一種創新且實用的新理論,對解決當前社會問題具有實際意義。

6. The essay summarizes the previous studies and suggests further research directions for this field. 本文總結了前人研究並提出了這一領域的進一步研究方向。

7. The author concludes that his views are widely shared by other scholars in the field and should be considered as the basis for future research. 作者得出結論,他的觀點在該領域的其他學者中得到了廣泛認同,應作為未來研究的基礎。