* 堅韌不拔的意志力才是真正的財富。Grit is the real wealth.* 失敗並不可怕,可怕的是你沒有從失敗中吸取教訓。Failure is not terrible, it's terrible not to learn from your failures.* 不要讓昨日的沮喪令明天的夢想黯然失色。Don't let yesterday's failure dim tomorrow's dreams.* 只要你不放棄,就有實現夢想的可能。As long as you don't give up, there's still a chance for you to achieve your dreams.* 不是看到希望才努力,是努力才會看到希望。You shouldn't work hard only because you see hope; you should work hard because you hope to see it.* 真正的勇氣,不是壓倒一切,而是不被一切壓倒。Real courage is not to be overwhelmed by everything, but not everything overpowered.* 夢想,可以天花亂墜,理想,是我們一步一個腳印踩出來的坎坷道路。Dreams may be fluffy and unrealistic, but ideals are the bumpy roads we trudge through step by step.