* 下一站,你不一定會流淚,但請你笑著離開。 The next stop, you may not be moved to tears, but please leave with a smile.
* 捨不得你即將離去,要說的話很多。我有小小占據你肺和心的地方,感謝緣分,在這裡陪你度過一段美麗而浪漫的時光。 Don't want to let you go, there are so many things to say. I have a small part of your lungs and heart, thank fate for accompanying you through this beautiful and romantic time.
* 分別不是終點,彼此記得就好,相逢亦非初見,何需長思念。 Goodbye is not the end, as long as we remember each other. Meeting again is not like the beginning, there is no need to miss each other forever.
* 畢業是千百萬個叮囑,千百萬個驪歌,那么讓我們再見吧。 Graduation is tens of thousands of blessings, tens of thousands of songs, let's say goodbye.
* 離別時說再見,離開時別回頭。 Say goodbye when parting, don't look back when leaving.