1. 謀事在人,成事在天。Man proposes, Heaven disposes.
2. 勝者王侯,敗者寇。Winners are kings and losers are bandits.
3. 人生苦短,及時行樂。Life is short, let's enjoy it while we can.
4. 知己知彼,百戰不殆。Know yourself, know your enemy.
5. 讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。Reading ten thousand books enriches the mind.
6. 吾善養吾浩然之氣。I cultivate my lofty spirit.
7. 天下事有難易乎?為之,則難者亦易矣。Is there difficulty in the world? If you persist, the difficulty will become easier.
8. 人生在世,吃喝二字。Life is about eating and drinking.
9. 凡事預則立,不預則廢。Preparation is key to success.
10. 知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。Know what you know, not what you don't know, that's wisdom.