1. "一切皆有可能。" - Everything is possible.
2. "勇往直前,無所畏懼。" - Move forward fearlessly.
3. "人生就像一場馬拉松,重要的是堅持到最後。" - Life is like a marathon, what matters is persisting to the end.
4. "知識就是力量。" - Knowledge is power.
5. "態度決定一切。" - Attitude determines everything.
6. "失敗是成功之母。" - Failure is the mother of success.
7. "行勝於言。" - Action speaks louder than words.
8. "人生沒有如果,只有結果和後果。" - Life has no "what if", only results and consequences.
9. "人生就像騎腳踏車,要保持平衡才能持續前進。" - Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance you have to keep moving forward.
10. "只有你自己能決定你的人生。" - Only you can decide your own life.