1. "讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。" - 這是中文的名言,英文翻譯為 "Reading a million books and writing with inspiration."
2. "Books are the antidote to life's little ailments." - 書籍是治癒生活小病的良藥。
3. "Reading is the highest form of meditation." - 閱讀是最高的冥想形式。
4. "Reading is the way to the other side of life." - 閱讀是通向生活另一面的途徑。
5. "Books are the quietest companions and the most potent weapons." - 書籍是最安靜的夥伴,也是最有力的武器。
6. "Reading is the perfect exercise for the mind." - 閱讀是對心靈的完美鍛鍊。
7. "Reading enriches the mind and broadens the horizons." - 閱讀豐富思想,拓寬視野。
8. "Reading is the passport to the future." - 閱讀是通往未來的護照。