* Trade is the visible action of barter, usually conducted between nations or regions for the exchange of goods and services. (貿易是看不見的易貨,通常發生在國家或地區之間,為了交換商品和勞務。)
* The aim of trade is to purchase goods and services, to earn income or profit, or to speculate on their future price movements. (貿易的目的是為了購買商品和服務,賺取收入或利潤,或者對未來的價格波動進行投機。)
* Trade is an exchange of goods and services between two or more economic entities, resulting in a redistribution of wealth. (貿易是在兩個或多個經濟實體之間進行的商品和服務的交換,從而重新分配財富。)
* Trade is the exchange of goods and services for money or other goods and services. (貿易是商品和服務與貨幣或其他商品和服務的交換。)