* 每一個不曾起舞的日子,都是對生命的辜負。[譯文:Every day that is not danced is a missed opportunity for life.]
* 生命的價值不依賴我們的所作所為,而是看他給予我們什麼。[The value of life depends not on what we do, but on what it gives us.]
* 你要搞清楚自己,而不是別人眼中的你。[You should be who you are, not who others see you as.]
* 當你凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視你。[When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back.]
* 當你凝視痛苦時,痛苦也在凝視你。[When you gaze into suffering, suffering gazes back.]
* 不要因為走的太遠而忘記了為什麼出發。[Don't forget why you set out when you traveled too far.]
* 你的內在就是你命運的外在表現。[Your inner self is the external manifestation of your destiny.]
* 如果你想讓別人對你感興趣,首先你要對別人感興趣。[If you want others to be interested in you, first of all, interest them.]
* 當你追求幸福時,不要忘記,幸福是美德的副產品。[When you pursue happiness, don't forget that happiness is a byproduct of virtue.]