



* 逆境是達到真理的一條必要而令人困惑的道路。

Adversity is a necessary and perplexing road to truth.*


No situation is unsurmountable; as long as you are willing to persevere, you will always see hope.

* 在人生的旅途中,總有突如其來的逆境,它會打破你的美好夢境,讓你意識到真正的生活正在上演。

Life's journey is filled with unexpected adversities that will shatter your beautiful dreams, reminding you that real life is happening all around.

* 無論面對怎樣的逆境,請相信一切都會好起來的。我們的人生旅途不可能總是一帆風順,但是,只有經過風雨洗禮的人生才會更加美麗。

No matter what kind of adversity we face, please believe that everything will get better. Our journey of life may not always be smooth sailing, but only a life that has been tempered by storms can be even more beautiful.

* 逆境是一種力量,它能磨練我們的意志,塑造我們的性格,使我們更加強大。

Adversity is a force that can grind our wills and shape our character, making us stronger.

* 不要害怕逆境,它是你成長的機會。每一次逆境都是一次挑戰,也是一次成長的機會。

Don't be afraid of adversity, it is your opportunity to grow. Every challenge is also an opportunity for growth.

* 逆境是成長的催化劑,它能讓我們變得更強大、更成熟。

Adversity is a catalyst for growth, making us stronger and more mature.
