* 再見了,祝你一切順利。 Goodbye, wishing you all the best.
* 保重,我們不久後見。 Take care, I'll see you soon.
* 希望下次我們能再見面。 Hopefully, we'll meet again someday.
* 感謝你陪我度過了一段美好的時光。 Thank you for accompanying me through a wonderful time.
* 再見,願你生活充滿愛。 Goodbye, may your life be filled with love.
* 再見,期待下次見面。 Goodbye, looking forward to meeting again.
* 保重,別忘了我們。 Take care, don't forget about us.
* 再見了,希望我們未來還能再見。 Goodbye for now, hope to see you again in the future.