* 離別,是為了更好的相遇。 Leave是為了更好的相遇。
* 離別時想起彼此相處的美好的時光,眼淚潸然。 Thinking of the good times we had together as I say goodbye.
* 聚散皆是緣,離別總關情。 Whatever arrangement, wherever one goes, one must be able to maintain one's moral integrity. Even if one separates, it is always due to some affection.
* 離別,也是一種享受,因為它能將日思夜想的美好時光化作最美好的回憶。 Saying goodbye is also a kind of enjoyment, because it transforms the beautiful moments that one has longed for and dreamed of into the most beautiful memories.
* 離別時,不忘說一句,朋友,我願在原點等你。 When saying goodbye, don't forget to say, friend, I'll wait for you at the original point.
* 倘若離別是盡頭,那么接下來的一路平安便是最好的祝福。