* 面對挑戰,我們應迎難而上。 Face the challenge, we should rise to it.
* 面對挑戰,要有信心和耐心。 When facing challenges, we should have confidence and patience.
* 面對挑戰,我們應積極尋求解決方案。 We should actively seek solutions when facing challenges.
* 面對挑戰,我們應敢於嘗試,不怕失敗。 We should dare to try and not fear failure when facing challenges.
* 面對挑戰,我們應善於調整自己的心態。 We should be good at adjusting our mentality when facing challenges.
* 挑戰就像人生路上的絆腳石,把它變成墊腳石,我們就能攀上人生的高峰。 Challenges are like stumbling blocks on the road of life. By turning them into stepping stones, we can climb to the top of the life.