1. “不在沉默中爆發,就在沉默中滅亡。” - "If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence."
2. “時間就像海綿里的水,只要願擠,總還是有的。” - "Time is like the water in sponge, as long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be some."
3. “不在學生時代找到真愛,以後只會找將就。” - "If you don't find true love in your student days, you will only be looking for compromise in the future."
4. “不在沉默中滅亡,就在沉默中爆發,這是最好的時代,也是最壞的時代。” - "Either perish in silence or burst out in silence. This is the best age, but also the worst age."
5. “時間就是性命,無端的空耗別人的時間,其實無異於謀財害命。” - "Time is life, wasting someone else's time casually is equivalent to killing their life."