1. 加油,你一定可以的!
英文:Come on, you can do it!
2. 不要放棄,堅持到底!
英文:Don't give up, persevere!
3. 你已經走了這么遠,不要半途而廢。
英文:You've come so far, don't give up halfway.
4. 相信自己,你一定能夠成功。
英文:Believe in yourself, you will definitely succeed.
5. 勇敢面對困難,困難就會向你低頭。
英文:Bravely face difficulties, and difficulties will bow to you.
6. 只有堅持到底,才能獲得最終的成功。
英文:Only perseverance can lead to ultimate success.
7. 困難只是暫時的,只要你不放棄,勝利終將屬於你。
英文:Hardships are temporary, as long as you don't give up, victory will belong to you.
8. 努力拚搏,做最好的自己!
英文:Strive hard and be the best version of yourself!
9. 沒有什麼是做不到的,只要我們願意去嘗試。
英文:Nothing is impossible as long as we are willing to try.
10. 堅持就是勝利,你一定能夠達到目標!
英文:Persistence is victory, you will definitely reach your goal!