



There were three little pigs that lived with their mother. She taught them how to build a house out of straw and how to keep themselves safe from harm. After a while, the three little pigs grew up and decided to leave home. They each built their own houses, hoping to make a good life for themselves.

The first little pig built his house with straw, but it burned down easily. He decided to build a house out of sticks, but it was still not safe. So he ran away and hid in a cave, where he was found by a big bad wolf. The wolf chased him all around the forest, and the little pig ran away again.

The second little pig built his house out of mud, but it collapsed in a heavy rain. He tried to build a better house out of straw and sticks, but it still didn't work. He decided to hide in a tall tree and waited for the storm to pass. The big bad wolf found him and tried to climb up the tree, but he couldn't get in.

The third little pig built his house out of stones and mortar, which was strong and safe. When the big bad wolf came knocking, he couldn't get in and ran away in frustration. The third little pig lived happily ever after, safe and sound in his sturdy house.
