



「May we accompany you on your walk?」 (我們陪你一起散步好嗎?)

「The teacher in charge of the children has to accompany them on the coach.」 (負責照顧這些孩子的老師必須跟他們一起乘坐長途汽車。)

「He wished her to accompany him.」 (他希望她陪他。)

「Lightning usually accompanies thunder.」 (電閃通常伴著雷聲。)

「He accompanied his speech with gestures.」 (他演講時附帶做著手勢。)

「The pianist accompanied her singing.」 (鋼琴家為她的歌唱伴奏。)

「Her mother accompanied her on the piano.」 (她的母親為她作鋼琴伴奏。)

「Please accompany me on the trip to my hometown.」 (請陪我去故鄉走一走。)

「A group of young pioneers always accompany the disabled girl to the school.」 (一群少先隊員常常送那位殘疾女孩上學。)

「Would you condescend to accompany me?」 (你肯屈尊陪我嗎?)