以下是使用"adapt to"的句子:
"You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in." 在社會中生活就要遵循社會行為準則。
"The new teacher was very slow to adapt to the unusual rules of the school." 這位新教師對該校這種獨特的校規適應很慢。
"She had to adapt to the new working environment." 她必須適應新的工作環境。
"It takes time to adapt to a different culture." 適應不同的文化需要時間。
"He quickly adapted himself to the team's way of working." 他很快適應了團隊的工作方式。
"They had to adapt themselves to the harsh conditions of the desert." 他們必須適應沙漠的嚴酷條件。