「I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.」(我今天下午有和牙醫的預約。)
「If you have toothache, it is important to see your dentist.」(如果牙痛,去看牙醫是很重要的。)
「I went to the dentist yesterday.」(我昨天去了牙醫那裡。)
「The dentist suggested that I should floss more regularly.」(牙醫建議我應該定期使用牙線。)
「The dentist drilled my tooth to remove the decay.」(牙醫在我的牙齒上鑽孔以去除齲壞。)
「I need to make an appointment to see the dentist because my tooth aches.」(我需要預約看牙醫,因為我的牙齒痛。)
「The dentist is going to extract this tooth.」(牙醫將要拔掉這顆牙齒。)
「The dentist filled my cavity with a composite material.」(牙醫用複合材料填充了我的齲洞。)
「I'm going to be a dentist when I grow up.」(我長大了要成為一名牙醫。)