


"Immediately" can be used in many different contexts to express that something happens right away or very soon after something else. Here are some examples of how "immediately" can be used in sentences:

He began to look for another position immediately after his current job ended.

She immediately regretted her decision to take the promotion.

The purpose of the meeting may not be immediately evident, but we will discuss it further.

When I come back home, I immediately see if there are any messages waiting for me.

I called her immediately after I realized I left my phone at her place.

As soon as she'd gone, I immediately remembered her name.

Immediately after finishing the project, I felt a sense of relief.

The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed as a hip hop classic.

Daniel immediately cut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance.

Listening to the scratchy recording, I immediately recognized Walt Whitman's voice.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of "immediately" and how it can be used to describe actions that occur with no delay or soon after another event。