* 你知道世界上什麼東西最笨嗎?就是資料庫,它們聽上去什麼都能記住,但實際上什麼都記不清。 You know the dumbest thing in the world is what? Databases. They sound like they can remember everything, but actually they can't remember anything clearly.
* 你要相信,你比你的代碼更聰明。 You have to believe that you are smarter than your code.
* 你們這些程式設計師,你們的工作就是處理信息,但是你們連信息最基本的結構——樹都處理不好。 You programmers, your job is to deal with information, but you can't even deal with the most basic structure of information - trees.
* 人生就像騎腳踏車,要保持平衡,就得一直前進。 Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance, you have to keep moving forward.
* 電腦和網路都是為了解決人類的問題而發明的,但現在它們卻反過來統治我們。 Computers and the internet were invented to solve human problems, but now they are ruling us.