1. “Maybe we are going through a rough patch, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.”(也許我們現在正經歷一段艱難的時期,但始終會有光在隧道的盡頭。)
2. “I’m sorry, maybe I didn’t express myself clearly.”(對不起,也許我沒有表達清楚。)
3. “Maybe we should take a step back and re-evaluate the situation.”(也許我們應該後退一步,重新評估一下形勢。)
4. “Maybe I’m wrong, but I think we should give it a try.”(也許我是錯的,但我認為我們應該試一試。)
5. “Maybe we should take a break and come back stronger.”(也許我們應該休息一下,然後以更強大的姿態回歸。)