"We do so in behalf of peace." 我們是為了和平而這樣做的。
"She is there for peace." 她在那裡是為了和平。
"Every one of us loves peace." 我們每一個人都熱愛和平。
"I just want to sit in my room and listen to music. Give me some peace!" 我只想坐在房間裡聽音樂,給我點空間。
"Alright, peace out, see you later." 好的,拜拜,晚點見。
"You cheated your way through that exam and now you're worried about failing? No peace for the wicked." 你在那場考試中作弊,現在擔心掛科?惡人無好死。
"Can't we all just peace and love, man? There's too much hate in the world." 大家能不能都和平相處,充滿愛意呢?世界上充滿了太多的仇恨。
"I've made peace with the fact that I'll never be a professional athlete." 我已經接受了我永遠不會成為職業運動員的事實。
"After a long and bitter dispute, they finally made peace with each other." 經過漫長而激烈的爭執,他們最終和解了。
"The president spoke of a shared commitment to world peace and economic development." 總統提到了共同致力於世界和平和經濟發展。