The Curious Case of Benjamin Button佳句如下:
1. The past is not a foreign country: Treat it as you would your own body, respecting it, caring for it, even when it’s wrinkled, sagging, and diseased.
2. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
3. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all our pets.
4. We live in a society that rewards people for conformity instead of excellence.
5. It is never too late to be what you might have been.
6. Everyone loves someone else’s love story, their victories, and losses, for these things provide them with easy inspiration. But few want to see the gory details of what that might have been or could have been.
7. To pursue one’s heart must be among the most exhausting endeavors ever conceived. It is requisite that one wear an actual suit of big hearts made out of feathers, broad smiles, and broad shoulders – ones that keep one constantly being shattered, broken, but still go on dancing with one’s own heartbeat.
8. But you will not change destiny by just wishing for it to be different – You must work for it and make it happen yourself.
9. In the end, you can only hope to find a version of happiness that exists in someone else’s story – but it is still a version of happiness.
10. You are the sum total of all your choices and actions – there is no one else who can make them for you.
11. You are not the story someone else wants to write for you – You are the story you choose to write for yourself.