1. 以出世之心,做入世之事。
Enter the world with an outlook for enlightenment, and work in the world.
2. 心在天上,身在人中。
Keep your heart up in the sky, yet your body down in the world.
3. 靜坐常思自己過,閒談莫論他人非。
Sit quietly and constantly reflect on your own faults, when chatting do not criticize others.
4. 活在別人的批評中,就是失去了自己的尊嚴。
Living in the criticism of others, is to lose one's own dignity.
5. 活在當下,珍惜眼前人。
Live in the present moment and cherish those around you.
6. 人生如同一場夢。
Life is like a dream.
7. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果實是甜蜜的。
Patience may be painful, but the fruit of it is sweet.
8. 一切皆由心生,一切皆由心滅。
All things come from the mind, and all things are dispelled by the mind.