1. “人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。” - 文天祥
2. “吾愛吾師,但更愛真理。” - 亞里士多德
3. “時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。” - 特朗普
4. “只有那些勇敢鎮定的人,才能熬過黑暗,迎來光明。” - 索忍尼辛
1. “Man is known in the ages, who in death's embrace remains true, and leaves behind him a shining memory.” - Wen Tianxiang
2. “I love my teacher, but I love truth even more.” - Aristotle
3. “Time is money, and efficiency is life.” - Trump
4. “It is only the brave and calm who survive the dark and emerge in the light.” - Solzhenitsyn