* 毛澤東 [Zhōngwáng Móu] - Chinese political leader and revolutionary figure.
* 賈伯斯 [Qiáo Bōs] - Apple Inc's co-founder.
* 愛因斯坦 [Ài Yīngshēn] - German-born theoretical physicist.
* 居里夫人 [Jūlǐ Furen] - French-Polish婦物理學家.
* 牛頓 [Wǔn Qīng] - British mathematician and physicist.
* 畢卡索 [Bì Jiā Suǒ] - Spanish painter and sculptor.
* 莎士比亞 [Shakespeare] - English poet and playwright.
* 魯迅 [Lǔ Xùn] - Chinese prose writer and activist.
* 瑪麗·居里 [Mary Curie] - Polish-born French physicist and chemist.