1. "團圓是中秋,歡笑伴月行。" (Harmony is Mid-Autumn, laughter accompanies the moon.)
2. "月圓人團圓,中秋共此時。" (The full moon heralds the reunion of all, as we celebrate Mid-Autumn together.)
3. "中秋之夜,思念如月,照亮遠方。" (On Mid-Autumn night, thoughts are like the moon, illuminating the distance.)
4. "月是中秋明,情是故鄉濃。" (The moon is brighter during Mid-Autumn, while emotions are stronger for the hometown.)
5. "中秋賞月,人月皆圓。" (Appreciating the moon during Mid-Autumn, both people and the moon are full of harmony.)
6. "中秋之夜,思念如水,流淌心間。" (Mid-Autumn night, thoughts are like water flowing through one's heart.)