但丁名言的英文是:走自己的路,讓別人說去吧!Go your own way, and let others talk!。
1. 別人都違背律法,只有我們才是正義的。
The others are in the wrong, only we are right.
2. 一個人既然有死的可能,就應和獅子老虎一樣勇猛。
As there is a possibility of one's dying, one should be as brave as lions and tigers.
3. 女人是沒有男人的壞脾氣,錯誤全歸咎於女人的軟弱。
Women have no bad temper like men, all mistakes are due to weakness.
但丁·阿利吉耶里,義大利中世紀詩人,現代義大利語的奠基者,歐洲文藝復興時代的開拓者,以史詩《神曲》留名後世。在義大利,他被稱為il Sommo Poeta和il Poeta。他的其他言論比較散亂,且一般以智者、鄉間紳士面目出現。