* 咖啡就像人生,有時候濃郁,有時候淡雅。 Coffee is like life, sometimes rich and intense, sometimes light and elegant.
* 咖啡這東西的好處簡直是大有學問,只有一種狀況不宜喝咖啡,那就是飯後馬上喝。 The benefits of coffee are quite complex, but only under certain circumstances it should not be consumed immediately after a meal.
* 喝咖啡,一方面是品味獨特的香味,另一方面則是感受杯中的余香。 Drinking coffee is about not only experiencing its unique aroma, but also about savoring the lingering fragrance in the cup.
* 人生就像一杯咖啡,即便它冷,也別失去對熱咖啡的嚮往。 Life is like a cup of coffee, even if it's cold, don't lose the hope of a hot cup.