* Danger is成長必經之路。——J.K.羅琳《哈利波特》* With every ounce of pain, every ounce of hurt, comes knowledge of the world.——《哈利波特》
* 痛苦中的堅持,是成長; 快樂中的堅持,是升華。你懂與不懂永遠站在那都不會在意你的想法。The pain of growth is needed; the joy of growth needs refining. It doesn't care about your thoughts whether you understand or not. ——J.K.羅琳《哈利波特》
* 只有你自己才能決定你的人生。——J.K.羅琳《哈利波特與密室》
* The past will always come and visit you in the night, but if you're brave enough, you can outrun it for a while.——《哈利波特與魔法石》
* Fear can hold you prisoner, but hope can set you free.——《哈利波特與魔法石》
* You can't hide from yourself, Harry. Not for ever.——《哈利波特與火焰杯》