



1. Beauty does not come from the outside, but from the inside. 美來自於內心,而非外在。

2. The world is full of beauty, if you open your heart to see it. 世界充滿美麗,如果你敞開心扉去感受。

3. The rainbow never stands on the ground of sorrow, but on that of joy. 彩虹總在風雨後,幸福總在辛勤後。

4. Life is like a book, we write its every page with the choices we make. 生活就像一本書,我們用每一次的選擇去書寫每一頁。

5. Love yourself first, then everything else falls into place. 先愛自己,然後愛其他的一切都會如期而至。

6. A moment of beauty, a moment of truth, is all we have in this world. 美好的一刻,真實的一刻,就是我們在這個世界上擁有的全部。

7. Beauty is not a goal to pursue, but a byproduct of a life well lived. 美不是要我們去追求的目標,而是我們生活的副產品。

8. Life is a journey, let us appreciate the beauty and happiness it brings us. 生活是一段旅程,讓我們珍惜它帶給我們的一切美好和快樂。
