* "Stay hungry, stay foolish."(要始終有求知若渴、虛心若愚的態度。)
* "The truth is in here [referring to his heart], not on a chip."(真相在裡面,不是在一塊晶片上。)
* "We're here to make things, not money."(我們的存在是為了創造東西,而不是賺錢。)
* "It's been said that success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, but I think it's 50% inspiration, 50% perspiration."(有人說成功是99%的汗水加上1%的靈感,但我認為應該是50%的靈感,50%的汗水。)
* "I'm a great believer that if you have passion, you can go all the way. The road is long, and the route is sometimes tough, but you can do it if you have the passion."(我相信如果你有熱情,你就能一路走來取得成功。路途漫長,路況有時也並不好,但如果你有熱情,你就能做到。)