* 奮鬥是我的性格,成功是我的目標。
Struggle is my character, success is my goal.
* 只有奮鬥,才能品味成功的人生。
Only through struggle can one taste a successful life.
* 奮鬥是萬物之父。
Struggle is the father of all things.
* 只有把百折不撓的奮鬥精神堅持到底,我們才能主宰自己的命運。
Only by persisting in the spirit of unwavering struggle can we master our own destiny.
* 只有經過地獄般的鍛鍊,人才能達到創造天堂的目標。
Only through hellish hardships can man achieve the goal of creating heaven on earth.
* 只有不斷努力奮鬥才能實現夢想。
Only continuous hard work and struggle can realize the dream.