* 朋友的心,是肝膽相照的相知。 Friendship is the understanding of "two souls, one body".
* 朋友不是書,它比書更絢麗;朋友不是歌,它比歌更動聽。 Friends are not books, they are more beautiful than books; friends are not songs, they are more melodious than songs.
* 朋友是生活中一個重要的部分,有了朋友,生活才更有意思。 Friends are an important part of life, without friends, life would be meaningless.
* 真摯的友誼就像平靜的海,不會被一時之事左右。 Deep friendship is like a calm sea, it is not affected by temporary matters.
* 最好的朋友是那種你們會經常一起笑的人。 The best friend is the one who always makes you laugh together.
* 最好的朋友是一生的朋友,值得信任的人。 The best friend is a lifetime friend and someone you can trust.