I』m afraid of snakes.(我害怕蛇。)
I have a fear of being in small places.(我害怕狹小的空間。)
You frightened me.(你嚇著我了。)
You scared me to death.(你嚇死我了。)
That horror movie made my hair stand on end.(那部恐怖電影嚇得我頭髮都豎起來了。)
We were horror-stricken when we saw the accident.(當我們看到那起意外,都嚇壞了。)
I was scared silly.(我都嚇傻了。)
My blood ran cold.(嚇得我不寒而慄。)
It gave me goose bumps.(嚇得我起了一身雞皮疙瘩。)
It is really creeping me out, and I can't sleep.(我嚇壞了,根本睡不著。)