



1. " 繁星之所以美麗,是因為知道它的距離。"

> _The reason why the stars are beautiful is because we know the distance_

2." 面對勝利,往往每個人都會以為這是自己指揮的結果。其實背後都有一位指引者。"

> _When facing victory, everyone often thinks that it is because of their own command, but in reality there is always a guide behind_


> _An intelligent people listens to advice_

4." 戰爭是不可避免的,但和平是值得奮鬥的。"

> _War is inevitable, but peace is worth fighting for_

5." 勇敢的人在暗中思考,懦夫在明中行動。"

> _The brave think in secret, the coward acts in the open_

6." 如果你想讓別人尊重你,你必須先尊重你自己。"

> _If you want others to respect you, you must respect yourself first._

7." 不要為明天煩惱,明天還需要你煩惱。"

> _Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow still needs your worries._

8." 不要為了一棵樹而放棄整片森林。"

> _Don't give up the whole forest for a tree._

9." 知識是最大的財富。"

> _Knowledge is the greatest wealth._

10." 即使是對牛彈琴,也要有琴。"

> _Even playing a tune for a cow, one needs a stringed instrument._
