



1. "Architecture is frozen music." - Frank Lloyd Wright

2. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the beholder is in the heart of the builder." - Charles W. Chesnutt

3. "Architecture is not just what you see, it's what's unseen." - Alvar Aalto

4. "Build a house, and people will come; create a building, and heaven will come to you." - Michael Graves

5. "The best architecture is the one that lasts." - Frank Gehry

6. "Architecture is the art of compromises." - Alison Smith

7. "Architecture is about more than just bricks and mortar; it's about people, society and the environment." - Thom Mayne

8. "A building is more than just a shell for housing; it's a reflection of the culture, values and aspirations of its designers and users." - Maya Lin
