



I'm feeling happy. 我感到很高興。

She looks sad today. 她今天看起來很難過。

He is furious with the news. 他對這個訊息感到憤怒。

She felt excited about the trip. 她對這次旅行感到興奮。

They were thrilled with the gift. 他們對這個禮物感到欣喜若狂。

She's nervous about her exam. 她對考試感到緊張。

He felt content after the meal. 他吃完飯後感到滿足。

She is in a good mood today. 她今天心情很好。

He seemed anxious about the future. 他似乎對未來的事情感到焦慮。

I'm hopeful about my future. 我對我的未來充滿希望。

He's confident about the project. 他對這個項目充滿信心。

She's embarrassed about her mistake. 她為自己的錯誤感到尷尬。

They felt hopeful after the meeting. 會議後,他們感到充滿希望。

She's thrilled to be invited. 她很高興能受邀。

He's enraged by the news. 他對這個訊息感到憤怒。

I'm surprised by the news. 我對這個訊息感到驚訝。
